+33 6 47 72 92 62

One-stop Shop IP Management

One-stop shop IP Management Services

SOFIDESPI allows all types of clients from the atart-up filing its first patent application to the multi-national company to access its broad IP expertise acquired in the chemical industry. A particular advantage is that we are in the position to offer an integrated approach to all technology-based IP related business needs, combining a high sensitivity to IP in a business context with the necessary skills to protect and valorize the intellectual assets in a single approach. Particular elements of this one-stop shop approach include:

  • IP analysis (audit)

  • Elaboration of an IP strategy

  • Patent landscape/Watching

  • Invention harvesting

  • Freedom to operate studies

  • Drafting of patent applications

  • Prosecution of patent applications

  • Portfolio management, including cost reduction measures

  • Trade secret protection measures

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • R&D collaboration agreements

  • Licensing in/out

  • M&A support

  • Valorization

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